
Zhukov's New Post 'Undecided'; Bomb Blasts Ben-Gurion, Others; Reds Hurl New Charges at U.S.

MOSCOW, Oct. 29--Georgi K. Zhukov will get another job "according to his experience and qualifications,...but we have not decided" what it will be, Communist boss Nikita S. Khrushev said tonight. Speaking at a Turkish embassy reception, he declined to explain why Russia's top soldier was dismissed as defense minister.

The Soviet military press was full of admonitions concerning the supremacy of the Communist party and the debt of loyalty owed to it by the armed forces.

Meanwhile, at a Washington news conference, Secretary of State Dulles said the west "must constantly be alert" against Russia launching some foreign adventure to divert attention from what is going on at home.

Crank Throws Bomb

JERUSALEM, Oct. 29--A bomb hurled from the public gallery injured Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and four of his ministers in Parliament tonight. Social Welfare Minister Moshe Shapira was wounded seriously. The others escaped with lesser hurts.


The bomb thrower, identified as Moshe Ben Jacob Douek, a "mentally unbalanced" 25-year-old Jew was seized.

Reds Criticize U.S. Policy

UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Oct. 29--The Soviet Union accused the United States today of withdrawing support for a U.N. inquiry commission in the Turkish-Syrian border crisis in order to hide plans for unleashing war.
