LONDON, Oct. 28--Unofficial reports from Moscow today said Marshal Georgi Zhukov has been fired from the ruling Presidium of the Soviet Communist party and is facing disgrace.
The reports come from members of Western diplomatic missions in Moscow. Indications were that Soviet Communist party boss Nikita Khruschev had called an urgent meeting of the party Central Committee, probably to affirm Zhukov's ouster as defense minister.
Khruschev made a similar move last June, when he summoned the full party Central Committee to confirm the purge of Georgi Malenkov, Lazar Kaganovich and V. M. Molotov from their party and government posts.
Disarmament Assembly
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. Oct. 28--The Soviet Union proposed today that disarmament talks be switched from big power secret meetings to a public 82-nation "Little Assembly."
In a surprise move, Russia urged the abolition of the U. N.'s 12-nation disarmament commission and its 5-nation subcommittee.
The United States rejected the Russian proposal as impractical. A U. S. spokesman said, "it appears to indicate an unwillingness to negotiate."
The Western powers believe that secret meetings keep debate from turning into a propaganda battle.
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