
PBH Cabinet Asks Merger With 'Cliffe

The Phillips Brooks House Cabinet has sent a request for a merger with the Radcliffe Volunteer Service Organization to Phillips Brooks House and Phillips Brooks House Association Committees.

Rev. George A. Buttrick, Preacher to the University, stated yesterday that he had scheduled a meeting of the PBH Committee for Wednesday, Nov. 6. The committee, composed of faculty members, will meet with student representatives of Brooks House and RVSO to consider the petition.

Committee members, who must approve this integration, have received letters stating the Cabinet's reasons for wishing to combine.

First, several volunteer assignments, such as reading to the blind or certain types of hospital work, have become the "exclusive province" of either Harvard or Radcliffe workers. Under a new system, the opening of formerly restricted jobs will allow greater flexibility in volunteer placement.

Second, integration will eliminate lack of coordination caused by duplication of committee functions and administration. There now exist parallel Harvard and Radcliffe service group cabinets.


Finally, by allowing Radcliffe volunteers to become PBH officers a greater choice of personnel would be available, "thereby assuring a high calibre of people on the Executive Committee."
