
Eleven Will Meet Dartmouth JV's

Dartmouth's J.V. football squad will seek to repeat its crushing 58-0 triumph of last year over the Crimson J.V. squad today. With six men remaining on the injured list, coach Norm Shepard will again be hampered in his efforts to put together a winning combination.

Quarterback troubles have been virtually solved, as Tony Marlow, who started in the J.V.'s 20-13 loss to Tufts, will call signals. Marlow changed from half-back position only a few days before the Tufts contest.

Only 26 men will be able to dress for the contest, as shortness of reserves continues as a major problem. However, a few members of the varsity squad will play for the J.V.'s.

Last year's Dartmouth contest was highlighted by the passing of Dave Bradley, now playing first string quarterback for the Indian varsity. He threw four touchdown passes and set up another score in the lopsided contest. Fullback Bill Morton also scored three times.

Game time is 2 p.m. at Soldiers Field.
