
Council Decides To Stay in NSA

The Student Council last night voted fairly conclusively that it wants to remain in the National Student Association for another year. Over the usual protests from Merom Brachman '58 and Theodore Moscowitz '58, the Council agreed, 12 to 4, to renew its membership in the organization.

Voting took place after a report was made on the NSA convention at Ann Arbor this summer, in which George C. Pontikes '58 noted the work of the Academic Freedom commission, in which Council delegates had participated actively.

Moscowitz warned, however, that such conventions "do seem important while you're there, running around in subcommissions," but felt that NSA did not exert enough influence in educational or political circles to make it worth the $600 the Council paid it for membership.

After the vote, President Larry R. Johnson '58 urged the Council to "do something" with its NSA membership. Toward this end, John S. Tuschman '58 was named chairman of the Council's NSA Committee.
