
Professors to Discuss Iron Curtain Travels

Three professors, Richard N. Frye, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Richard E. Pipes, will participate in an informal discussion on conditions behind the Iron Curtain tonight at 7:30 in the Kirkland House Junior Common Room.

Frye, an associate professor of Middle Eastern Studies, traveled last summer to Moscow and Leningrad. He said that he had found it somewhat difficult to get around, not because the Soviet regime had tightened regulations for foreign travel, but due to an improved bureaucracy and increased red tape.

Since he visited Russia previously during the summer of 1955, Frye stated that he was able to compare his observations. At that time he made an extensive tour of Central Asia, studying his specialty, Iranian and Central Asian linguistics and history.

Brzezinski, an assistant professor of Government, journeyed through all parts of Poland from the beginning of June to mid-July on a Social Science Research grant. After an absence of 19 years from his native country, he was most impressed by strong popular hate and contempt for Russia. He said that although this was prevalent among the people, the government was dependent on the Soviet Union and felt that it had closer ties with it than with the West.

Pipes, a Research Associate in the Russian Research Center, will moderate the discussion.
