
Ailing Varsity Harriers Favored In New York Meet

Two of the top five runners on the varsity cross country team will not go to the starting line in the meet against Columbia and Pennsylvania in New York this afternoon, and the remaining three are all somewhat below par. Despite these handicaps, however, the Crimson should manage to record its fourth straight victory of the season.

Dyke Benjamin and Eddie Martin have been definitely ruled out of the meet for medical reasons. Pete Reider, the individual winner in each of the Crimson's three previous meets, has not completely recovered from a lingering intestinal illness. Bill Thompson has been plagued by a sore foot; and Dave Norris has had a slight cold for the past two days.

Reider, Thompson, and Norris are well enough to compete this afternoon, but how much their various maladies will cut down their effectiveness remains to be seen.

Much is hoped for from the second-line Crimson runners today. Dave Donaldson, French Anderson, Wes Hildreth, and Jim Schlaeppi have all been improving steadily in recent weeks, and coach Bill McCurdy is expecting them to take up any slack resulting from the ailments of his top five.

Reider will get his toughest competition to date from the Columbia captain, Jose Iglesias. Last year, as a sophomore, Iglesias established himself as one of the best runners in the east; and he has continued to run well this year.


The Yardlings will seek their fourth straight victory, also against Penn and Columbia, in a preliminary meet.

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