
Conant to Vacate Position to Study Education in U.S.

Carnegie Foundation Gives President Emeritus Grant

President emeritus Conant, will probably "undertake a major study of American education under a grant from the Carnegie Corporation," according to a statement made yesterday by John W. Gardner, President of the Carnegie Corporation.

On Monday the White House announced that it had accepted Conant's resignation from his post as Ambassador to West Germany. President Eisenhower expressed "deepest personal regret" in his letter accepting Conant's resignation.

Conant became High Commissioner to Germany at the beginning of the Eisenhower administration and ambassador when West Germany was relieved from occupation status in May, 1955.

No Final Decision Yet

Gardner, Carnegie Corporation president, said, "I have not had the opportunity to talk yith Mr. Conant since his plans for returning have become definite." He went on to say that, "since his plans were indefinite we have taken no final action on this project but I have had many conversations with him about it."


Conant's projected study will probably center around the country's public school system and the place of the especially gifted student within it.

In October of 1956 rumor circulated that Conant planned to remain within the Diplomatic Corps. It was then suggested that he might be presented with the ambassadorship to India. Conant is expected to meet with Carnegie officials during the first week in March to outline his study, which he will probably begin next fall.

He is expected to stay at the Bonn post until the middle of February.
