
Coaching at Harvard: The Narrow Viewpoint

Crimson Apothegmatist Topples Cherished Idols of Ivy Football


Twice or three times a year, the CRIMSON allows its erstwhile cartoonist, Harvard's most impoverished graduate, to speak out. While the validity of his conclusions is open to doubt, his courage must be admired. It is interesting to note that he did no research for his little epic, and bases his facts entirely on hearsay. Mr. Royce does not drink. Not much, that is. Well, not a great deal. Mr. Royce was raised on an apple farm, but ran away from home when he was a boy. He served two years in the Army and five years at Harvard, and has not worked since he graduated. Nor, for that matter, did he before.


They had had a bad year at H.U.,

Losing six games while winning but two;


"Lloyd Jordan may be"

Said the powers that be--

"Peachy keen, but at Harvard he's through."


The reason they had to impeach

Was some cracks that he made in a speech;

But the reason they fed

To the papers instead

Was his disinclination to "teach."

