
McCloskey Sees A G.O.P. Victory

Robert G. McCloskey, associate professor of Government at Harvard, speaking July 19 on the "Republican Outlook," said that the G.O.P. as "a party of no principles," has an excellent chance to capture the national and local elections this year.

McCloskey qualified his statement concerning the Republicans' lack of true principles with examples comparing past ideals of the Party, such as isolationism and big business, with present contradictions, such as internationalism and friendship towards labor. This leaves the G.O.P. "without any real party principles," McCloskey concluded.

The professor summarized the forthcoming elections by noting that the Republicans, as a "do-nothing party" in the eyes of the electorate, might be more trusted as defenders of the current prosperity than the "do-something" Democrats.

He thus concluded that in the present political climate the G.O.P. is likely to maintain its power.
