
Opinions Sought In Questionnaires

Students who have complaints to make about any aspects of the Summer School session are getting a chance to voice them this week.

Questionnaires covering like in the Yard dormitories and the academic and extra-curricular aspects of the Summer School are being distributed by the administration. Their purpose is to discover students' likes and dislikes with an eye toward improving future summer sessions.

Commenting on the questionnaires yesterday, Robert C. Wood, associate director of the Summer School, observed that it was from such expressions of "public opinion" as this that the decision to keep Lamont Library open weekends next summer was taken. He urged as many students as possible to fill out the polls.

The questionnaires come in two types. Those dealing with academic and extra-curricular affairs are being distributed in classrooms. Ones concerning the dormitories will be distributed in the dormitories later in the week. All may be turned in at the Union when completed.


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