A concert reading of Sean O'Casey's "Pictures in the Hallway," an organ recital by E. Power Biggs, and--somewhat anomalously--a forum on "Presidential Campaign Politics" will be among the "Special Events in the Arts" that the Summer School is inaugurating this summer in collaboration with the Summer Session of M.I.T.
All six of the scheduled events are open without charge to registered students and faculty members of the two summer schools.
The opening program of the series, a performance of Honegger's "King David" by the M.I.T. Choral Society, will take place at 8:30 p.m. this Thursday, July 5, in M.I.T.'s ultra-modern Kresge Auditorium. The next event will be "An Evening of Carl Dreyer's Films: Vampire and The Passion of Joan of Arc," which will take place next Wednesday, July 11, in Harvard's Allston Burr Hall, Room B.
Summer School students can obtain tickets for the events by applying in person at Grays Hall, Room 1, not earlier that the Thursday preceding each program.
The forum on Presidential Campaign Politics, which will take place in New Lecture Hall on July 23, promises to be one of the most interesting events of the series. It will feature Samuel Lubell, Professor V.O. Key of Harvard, and Denis Brogan. Lubell is the author of the recent book, "Revolt of the Moderates," in which he advances the thesis that American politics today is dominated by voters of moderate political viewpoint. Key is a widely-known expert on voting techniques and patterns in the notion. Brogan is professor of Political Science at Cambridge University, England.
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