Sinclair Weeks '14, Secretary of Commerce (bottom) and Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (top) came to Harvard yesterday to recall their years in the University.
Frankfurter spoke before the annual luncheon of the Harvard Foundation for Advanced Study and Research and the Law School Alumni Association, and Weeks addressed 91 members of the Army and Air Force ROTC to whom he later gave second-lieutenants' commissions.
Weeks told the graduating officers that "the professional soldier and the citizen soldier both have their place in society and have, in the past, happily combined." He told them that "officers and leaders we can't do without," and explained the responsibility which lies with the leaders in our armed services.
The Secretary told of his days in the Army and closed by saying that even in his present position his association with the country's defense measures is a very close one.
Frankfurter recalled the Harvard Law School of 50 years ago and especially extolled the late Dean James Barr Ames who was "the soul of the school for 35 years." The atmosphere created by Ames, he said, gave one the desire to "do battle with the complexities of life."
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