
P.B.K. Elects 80; Writer-Illustrator Delivers Oration

Eighty seniors were elected to the Harvard Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa yesterday and six men received honorary memberships for their "achievements in the fields of art, letters, science, and religion."

In the morning, the Chapter heard poet John Holmes of Tufts University read his Phi Beta Kappa Poem, "The 11th Commandment," and Chiang Yee of Columbia University deliver the Phi Beta Kappa Oration at the annual Literary Exercises in Sanders Theatre.

Chiang, a leading Asian writer-illustrator, spoke on the subject of "The Chinese Painter." Chiang compared the present state of culture to that of the 19th century, when Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay "The American Scholar," called for an independent culture.

"The world problem, however," Chiang said, "is now one of understanding, and not of seeking independence." He said the rapid growth of communications and transportation had brought countries closer, and made the necessity for understanding each other more important.

Chinese painting, chian said, has a long tradition, dating back to 3000 B.C., and it has been a painting of "taste." The Chinese painter, he added, has been concerned with seeking the "poetic truths of both man and nature," and this, he said, should be continued by the Chinese painter today.


The honorary members elected yesterday included Chiang; Herbert Bloch, professor of Greek and Latin; Paul Brooks '31, editor-in-chief of the general book department of Houghton-Mifflin Co.; David Rockefeller '36, member of the Board of Overseers; Rudolph Ruzicka, a leader in the graphic arts; and Paul J. Tillich, University Professor and noted theologian.

New Members

The new senior members of Phi Beta Kappa, by state, are: Arkansas: Frank A. Loda, Jr. of Kirkland and Texarkana; California: John W. Elston of Lowell and Santa Anna; Paul L. Richards of Kirkland and Riverside; and Sherwin L. Samuels of Winthrop and Los Angeles; Colorado: Kenneth D. Hubbard of Winthrop and Glenwood Springs; Connecticut: Robert P. Bucciarelli of Eliot and New Canaan and James N. Cooper of Adams and New Haven;

Also, District of Columbia, William W. Hooker of Kirkland; Florida: Stanley J. Bargteil of Winthrop and Coral Gables; Philip M. Catalano of Winthrop and Miami; and Michael W. Rinehart of Adams and Coral Gables.

Also, Illinois: James C. Beck of Kirkland and Chicago; Alan S. Gratch of Leverett and Chicago; Richard M. Rosenberg of Winthrop and Chicago; and Donald R. Spuehler of Kirkland and Elgin; Iowa: Jack J. Stiffler of Adams and Mitchellville; Kansas: Karl G. Heider of Winthrop and Lawrence and Cliff F. Thompson of Lowell and Kansas City; Maine: James F. Armstrong of Dunster and Wilton and Bruce F. Cameron of Kirkland and Bristol.

Also, Maryland: Peter J. Achinstein of Winthrop and Bethesda; Jeremy R. Azrael of Adams and Baltimore and Wilson W. Cowen of Eliot and Behtesda.


From Massachusetts: David Axelrod of Lowell and Great Barrington; Sheldon C. Binder of Eliot and Boston; Richard Braverman of Laverett and Brookline; Gerald Y. Chin of Adams and Boston; George B. Doyle of Winthrop and Worcester; Thomas Ehrlich of Lowell and Cambridge; Louis H. Fingerman of Winthrop and Dorchester; Robert M. Gargill of Adams and West Roxbury; Ruber F. Gittes of Adams and Melrose; Arthur C. Gossard of Kirkland and Quincy; William T. Green Jr. of Lowell and Belmont; William S. Kaden of Adams and Chestnut Hill; Robert D. Richardson 3rd of Eliot and Concord.

Also, Harold R. Scholnick of Leverett and Brighton; Frederic A. Sharf of Kirkland and Chestnut Hill; Stephen B. Shohet of Leverett and Boston; Edgar G. Ward of Winthrop and Dedham; Kenneth G. Wilson of Lowell and Concord; and Irving K. Zola of Dudley and Mattapan.


Minnesota: John C. Hiebert of Adams and Mountain Lake; Missouri: Donald C. Cannon of Kirkland and Independence; Charles L. Edson of Dunster and University City; and Lewis M. Schneider of Winthrop and Clayton; New Hampshire: Robert A. LIoyd of Kirkland and Exeter.

New Jersey: George Feifer of Eliot and Passaic; Geoffrey Gaulkin of Lowell and Essex Falls; and Joseph L. Steinberg of Kirkland and Paissaic; New York: Robert A. Alpern of Adams and New York; Robert W. Colman of Adams and Neponsit; James A. Coulter of Brooklyn; Paul A. David of Adams and New York; David M. Dorsen of Lowell and New York; David A. Goldstein of Lowell and Jamaica Estates; James M. Murphy of Eliot and New York; Peter D. Noerdlinger of Adams and New York; and Steven J. Schneider of Kirkland and Great Neck.

North Carolina

North Carolina: Robert G. Blake of Kirkland and Charlotte, and James C. Walker of Eliot and China Grove; North Dakota: Vincent R. Larson of Adams and Minot; Ohio: Bruce Finnie of East Cleveland; Gerald E. P. Gillespie of Kirkland and East Cleveland; Warren B. Harshman of Kirkland and Cincinnati; Harmon E. Kirby of Leverett and Hamilton; Charles S. La Monte of Dunster and Columbus; Alan L. Lebowitz of Lowell and Youngstown; and Taylor J. Smith of Lowell and Avon.

Pennsylvania: Felix Albert of Dunster and Carlisle; David H. Alpers of Kirkland and Merion; William W. Bartley, 3rd of Eliot and Pittsburgh; and William D. Fordyce of Leverett and Conshohocken; Rhode Island: John C. Brown of Eliot House and Providence; South Dakota: George M. Fredrickson of Lowell and Sioux Falls; Utah: Gary B. Christiansen of Winthrop and Salt Lake City; Virginia: Rollin B. Norris of Eliot and Arlington; Wisconsin: Stefan S. Anderson of Lowell and Madison and Albert Marden of Winthrop and Milwaukee, and Olaf H. Prufer of Delhi, India.CHIANG YEE
