
i.e. Survey of Harvard Thought Draws Censure of College Groups

1000 Sold First Day

The editors of i.e. successfully broke the exam-period lull last Tuesday by publishing their personal critique of intellectual life at Harvard. Within 24 hours, the editors claim, over 1,000 copies of the Cambridge Review's sixth issue were grabbed off the newstands.

The 98-page book proceeds by criticizing formal education at the University, several departments, the club system, and some of the other extracurricular activities. The writing was done by Leo Raditsa '56, john A. Pope, '56, Angus Fletcher 4G, and Peter Davis '57.

The editors of the Advocate, one of the organizations criticized in the recent i.e., replied in a letter calling the issue a mixture of "sensationalist scandal, the painful cries of an upset individual, and a series of brilliant insight." The recent i.e. had charged that the Advocate tabboed the discussion of literature.

"Adolescent discomforts can serve to amuse the public or to slander,' Advocate president John Ratte '57 claimed, "but the issue destroyed the real vitality of criticism." He continued, "Raditsa has made some good points in an atrocious way."

Club Members Noncommittal


Final club members made only few comments about i.e.'s charge that the club system was doing an "injury" to the college by "deadening or destroying intellect in the members." According to Porcellian President Thor Thors '56, "Nobody is getting too excited about the article."

Thors said he had not read the magazine, but had heard about it from others. He denied i.e.'s argument that the clubs were of no value to the College. David S. Lee '56, president of the A.D., called the article "rather amusing."

The section on Harvard dramatic groups includes some contradictions, asserted John H. Poppy '57, former president of the H.D.C. "Dramatic groups at Harvard have as many deficiencies as any others," Poppy said, "but the groups should not be criticized for trying to put on technically good performances."
