To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I cannot speak for the Student Council, but I can speak for myself from the viewpoint of one of the Council's administrative officers. . . .
I was personally and deeply shocked and hurt at the unwarranted, slanted article in Thursday's CRIMSON concerning the Faculty approval of the interterm vacation. The thing that I feel so badly about is that the emphasis should be upon our having made a step. . .which is really fine and not upon who gets the credit for accomplishing this task. But for the CRIMSON to insist through its deletion of the facts that this is their own project is very unfair. . . .
Actually, after the turn of the semester, the Council had the honor to work with the CRIMSON to formulate a practical mid-term vacation scheme on the basis of the October Council plan. Without the CRIMSON boost, it would have been hard to set the ball rolling. . . . Paul L. Scher '57
The CRIMSON regrets any false impression given by the subhead "CRIMSON Idea." The story itself said, "The idea for the vacation arose almost simultaneously with the CRIMSON and the Student Council."
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