The Inexorable Laws of History went their iron way last week, sending the varsity lacrosse team down under Princeton to 15 to 2 oblivion, but then flaunted May Day and abandoned the scene, washing what hands Inexorable Laws might have.
Into this vacuum has seeped a kind of radical spirit--hope. The Crimson meets M.I.T. this afternoon on the Business School Field and thoughts of victory are coming off the tops of many heads.
And perhaps this time it will not be like the big spirit which a member of the varsity predicted would rise up and trip the Tigers. The varsity has had some good moments this dreary season and M.I.T. should be less than the best to face the Crimson.
Despite the depressing weight of ten losses against no victories, and the fact that some of these have been by overwhelming margins--5 to 20 under Syracuse, 2 to 7 under Williams--the varsity has had some very good moments against opponents much stronger than the undisciplined football crews that have run rough-shod over them.
To the ancient and honorable Boston Lacrosse Club, the Crimson slipped under by only two points, 7 to 9, and against powerful champion Hofstra the varsity lost only when it ran out of gas, this game being the first of the spring trip after weeks of rained-out practice.
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Sermon From the Ashes