
Glee Club to Sing For Two Months In European Trip

Group Will Tour 6 Nations, Give 30 Summer Concerts

The Glee Club with embark June 15 on its second European Tour, Harry J. Kraut, tour manager, announced yesterday. The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, and England are on the club's itinerary.

The group will sing to audiences in more than twenty-five European towns and cities. A varied repertory of choral music from all centuries will be presented.

At the invitation of the French Government, the Glee Club first sang abroad in 1921, and was the first American college chorus to sing abroad.

This year it will open its continental concert series with a performance for the Holland Festival at the Hague, then will sing in Belgium and Paris. Concerts are also arranged for Tours and Orleans in France, Siena and Perugia in Italy, Freiburg and Munich in Germany, Cambridge and Buckingham in England.

The Chorus will celebrate Italo-American friendship in Rome on July 4. Afterwards it will present a concert sponsored by the Free University in Berlin. The BBC will present the group in Albert Hall as one of its regular Promonade Concerts, and a program of sacred music at Westminster Abbey will close the Tour on August 2.


Forty-two members of the organization will make the trip. They will contribute nearly half of the budget while additional contributions will come from friends and Alumni of the Club and from a few private foundations. G. Wallace Woodworth, Club director and James Edward Ditson Professor of Music, will lead the group in its schedule of over thirty concerts.

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