
Crimson Varsity Faces Big Green In Tennis Today

The varsity tennis team, fresh from an impressive 11-4 victory over Yale, will face a mediocre Dartmouth squad this afternoon at Hanover. In search of its fifth Eastern Intercollegiate League win against no losses, the Crimson will be without several of its regular players; Ben Heckscher, Connie Fischer, Karl Purnell, and Cal Place.

This absence might prove serious, since Dartmouth has shown itself capable of dealing with strong opponents who are slightly off their games. The Indians beat a powerful Williams squad, 6 to 3.

The Crimson is presently tied for first place in the Eastern League with Princeton. Each team is undefeated, although the Tigers have won two more games than the Crimson. Yale is in third place with a 5-2 record, which narrows down the League race to a Princeton-Harvard battle for the championship.

If remaining matches go according to expectations, the title will not be decided until the Princeton match this Saturday. The Harvard-Yale-Princeton championship has also boiled down to a race between the same two teams, since both have defeated Yale.

The Crimson lineup, from first through ninth singles, will be Dale Junta, Brooks Harris, Ham Gravem, Steve Gottlieb, Maynard Canfield, Steve Kay, Al Goldman, Pete Krogh, and Rod Nickols.


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