
Baseball Varsity Trounces Judges, 9-1, Behind Kessler

After a few unfortunate experiences in EIBL play, the varsity nine was very glad to return to Greater Boston League pitching yesterday. It celebrated by trouncing an inept Brandeis team, 9 to 1, as Bob Kessler went all the way for Crimson.

Yesterday's game, which took only a little over two hours, demonstrated just why Brandeis is in last place in the G.B.L. with a record of 2 and 12. Maury Stein, the "ace" of the Judge's staff, was walloped for ten hits and at the same time got little help from his teammates, who erred four times. In all, the Crimson was handed 6 unearned runs.

Three Varsity Errors

Kessler was never in any trouble as he limited Brandeis to seven hits while striking out the same number. The Crimson made three errors in the field, but with the exception of one miscue by Walt Stahura in centerfield, none was costly. The Judges scored their only run in the third, when Stahura misjudged a long drive by Captain Dick Cunningham for a triple and an error.

About the only exciting moment of the afternoon came in the home half of the fourth inning, when with one out, John Simourian walked and went to third on a passed ball. With Bob Hastings at bat, Simourian broke with the pitch and stole home standing up.


The Crimson won the game in the first inning, scoring three runs on singles by Simourian and Hastings, three walks, an error, and an unsuccessful fielder's choice. Simourian's steal of home in the fourth made it 4 to 1 and the varsity added one more in the next inning when Dick Fisher scored from third on a squeeze bunt by Bing Crosby.

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