
Yale Debaters Win Triangular Debate

The Yale Debate Council won the 47th annual Triangular Debates Friday night by beating teams from Harvard and Princeton, while their opponents split, one apiece. Yale's win followed a Harvard victory last year, and a three-way tie for the two preceding years.

Winning both on Affirmative and Negative of Eisenhower's farm record, Yale defeated a Princeton team in Princeton and a Harvard team at New Haven. A second Princeton group lost a split decision to Robert M. O'Neil '56, Jared M. Diamond '58, and David P. Bryden '57, on the Negative, in the Ames Courtroom of Austin Hall.

At Yale, debating in favor of the President's program, Cliff F. Thompson '56, George M. Frederickson '56, and Robert H. King '57 lost a close decision.


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