
Strong Yale Lacrosse Team Routs Ineffective Crimson Squad, 16 to 4

NEW HAVEN, May 12--Not even Maryland's championship lacrosse team could have slowed Yale today. The Elis showed the Crimson lacrosse squad exactly why they won the Ivy League Championship as they administered a sound 16 to 4 drubbing to a faltering varsity.

Midfielder Hugh Young literally shattered the Crimson defense as he flashed by varsity goalie Dick Mackinnon to score six times in the contest. Charlie Cushman scored three for Yale, while the Crimson output was divided among four stickmen.

The visitors were effective only for the first minute of play, when Tim Draper and Don Dawidoff each scored once to give the Crimson a short-lived 2 to 0 advantage. Harvard was again inspired briefly early in the fourth period when Captain Dexter Lewis and Larry Stewart tallied, but the rest of the contest might well have been played without the Crimson team.

Even Mackinnon, who had played well in the last three games, turned in a poor effort. His defense was not set in many Eli scoring thrusts, and consequently on many Yale tallies the lanky goalie did not see the ball.

The Crimson defense, however ineffective, was not nearly so ineffective as the poor play of the attack which faltered even before Yale's tight defense intercepted it.


The varsity played a poor game, but the difference lay in its never having faced a really strong Ivy League club such as Yale.

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