
Police Face Annual Mystery on Sunday

Once again this Sunday police in 20 states and the District of Columbia will be baffled. For at 2 a.m. an hour of time will mysteriously disappear, and clocks should instantaneously read 3 a.m. In the past it has usually taken law enforcement officers about half a year to recover the theft.

All told, about half the people in the country will have to go on Daylight Saving Time, whether they like it or not. The South has never particularly cared for Daylight Time, however, probably because it gets all the sun it wants anyway.

But those who complain the most are Pennsylvania rummies. They just can't tell how late their bars are going to be open. State liquor laws specify that all taprooms close on standard time, which means that taprooms will be open an hour later by the clock in DST communities.
