
Law School Committee Seeks Policy Changes

Over 20 Proposals Submitted to Deans

A nine-man Harvard Law School student-faculty committee investigating unnecessary tension at the Law School has made over twenty recommendations for changes in present Law School practices, it was learned yesterday. Most of the proposals will go into effect next fall.

Committee Chairman George S. Abrams 2L, and Donald T. Trautman '48, assistant professor of Law, recently made a full verbal report to Vice Dean Livingston Hall and a number of the specific recommendations have been transmitted directly to the Law School deans and organizations involved.

The recommendations range from a proposal for a complete revamping of the present proctorial system in the Law dorms to suggestions for changes in placement procedures and present student-faculty relations.

Among the known approved proposals are the following: A complete revamping of the proctorial system; creation of a committee to reorganize the Law School orientation program; a student-written booklet on the Law School and increased athletic facilities and intramural programs.

Coffee Hours


Specific changes in Placement Office procedure, involving the amount and type of information made available to prospective employees; the sponsoring of a series of faculty-student coffe hours and strengthening the upper class Ames Club Supervisory system and increasing the supervisors' functions also were passed.

Other members of the committee were Benjamin Kaplan '26, Albert M. Sacks, professor of Law, Robert E. Keeton, assistant professor of Law, Paul M. Bator, 3L, former president of the Law Review; Calloway Cochran 2L, president of the Dormitory Council; Alan D. Hakes 3L, past chairman of the Board of Student Advisors; and Robert L. Larson 3L, head of Chancery Law Club.
