
Brown Lauds Dramatic Realism In Modern Playwrights, Authors

Winthrop Ames Lecture

Last evening in Sanders Theatre, John Mason Brown '23 started with the "smong of McCarthyism" and ended with what "man believes." For one and one-half hours between "man" and "McCarthy," the Winthrop Ames Memorial Lecturer delighted his audience with a combination of wit and wisdom applied o "The Dramatic Approach to Reality."

Brown declared that "the form which fear had taken" two years ago has disappeared, "McCarthyism has become Mcarthy-wasn't." He appeared to feel that this removal of political suppression where a man was a conspirer if he merely "stopped to gather his thoughts" had brought about a new surge of life in the theatre.

Maintaining a constant stream of cleverly humerous remarks varying from Boston's Ritz Carleton to the foibles of his native upper South, not to be confused, he said, with the deep South, Brown focused his immense historical and literary knowledge on the problem of today's theatre.

He praised the efforts of Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Jean Anouilh, Paddy Cheyevski.
