
Debate Council Teams to Enter West Point, Triangular Tourneys

Forensic Finale

Two College debaters will enter the National Invitation Tournament today at West Point. James L. Kincaid '58 and Robert Scriviner '57, Debate Council president, will argue the national "Guaranteed Annual Wage" topic.

Six other debaters have begun preparation for the annual Harvard-Yale-Princeton Triangular Debate, to be held here and in New Haven, on May 11.

The six, named after tryouts earlier this week, are Cliff F. Thompson '56, George F. Frederickson '56, Robert M. O'Neil '56, Jared M. Diamond '58, David P. Bryden '57, and Robert H. King '57, with Steven R. Rivkin '58 first alternate. They will debate the topic, Resolved: "That this house supports the Administration's solution to the farm problem."

Diamond, O'Neil, and Bryden will defend the Negative against Princeton in the Ames Courtroom of Langdell Hall, with the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. '24, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, presiding. Thompson, Frederickson, and King will debate the Affirmative at Yale, at the same time.

On the Tuesday prior to the Triangulars, the two teams will debate each other in the Coolidge Competition. Two prizes of $175 each will be awarded to the two best speakers.


At West Point, today and tomorrow, the National Tournament will be held with eight preliminary rounds for the 32 entering teams. Invited for the third consecutive year, the College team finished twelfth in 1955.
