
Nine Favored to Trouce Brown Today

Repetto or Kessler To Oppose Bruins

After close encounters against Army and Holy Cross, Crimson baseball coach Norm Shepard should have a very restful time this afternoon. His powerful varsity, boasting a seven game victory streak, will oppose a winless Brown team at 3 p.m. on Soldiers Field.

If comparative scores are of any significance, the game should be a runaway. Army and Holy Cross, two teams shut out by the Crimson, beat Brown 18-0 and 16-5 respectively. In their five games to date, the Bruin pitchers have been shelled for no less than 60 runs.

Shapard is still undecided whether to start lefty Bob Kessler or righthanded Bob Repetto. Brown will probably use its best pitcher, Bruce Bartsch, against the varsity.

Hitting Slump

The Crimson's chief weakness this year is the relatively poor hitting the team has done since its return from the South. "Our pitching is fine, our fielding adequate, but our hitting is definitely not as good as it should be," Shepard said. "Boys like Matt Botsford and John Getch should be hitting much better," he added, "but I think with warmer weather, things will improve."


Thus far, the Crimson's poor hitting has done them no real damage. Three pitchers, Captain Ken Rossano, Kessler, and Repetto have not allowed an earned run in the last 28 innings, and the team's fielding has been consistently good.

Against Brown today, Shepard plans no changes in his lineup and will start Bing Crosby behind the plate, John Simourian at first, Bob Cleary at second, Bob Hastings at short, and Botsford at third. Walt Stahura, Dick Fisher, and Getch make up the outfield.

The J.V. baseball team will face Fargo Building of the First Naval District this afternoon on Soldiers Field.
