
Kiphuth Sees More Stress on Athletics Than Ever at Yale

Yale University today is giving "more enthusiam to athletics than ever before" according to DeLaney Kiphuth, Yale athletic director.

"We at Yale are doing everything in our power to preserve the Yale tradition of all-out effort to win games," Kiphuth said. "We are convinced that the benefits of competition to the player are lost if there isn't an all-out effort to win."

Although Kiphuth said he didn't look for de-emphasis of athletics at either Yale or in the Ivy League, he promised that Yale would comply with the Ivy League code stressing the educational value of athletics to the undergraduates. "By making Ivy games the criterion," he said, "it is hoped that unreasonable competitive standards will not be set up."

Next fall, however, Yale doesn't intend to compete exclusively with Ivy colleges in football or other sports. "We don't want to restrict competition to the point where we don't have an opportunity to measure our ability against non-Ivy opponents," Kiphuth explained.


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