
B.L.C. Defeats Crimson Lacrosse Squad 9-7 as Lewis Scores Four

Captain Dexter Lewis led the Crimson lacrosse squad to a first half lead and very nearly pulled the match out yesterday, but the varsity defense cracked in the second half as the Boston Lacrosse Club eked out a 9-7 win. Lewis scored four unassisted goals and passed for the other three as the varsity lost its sixth match in as many tries.

Practice on fundamentals this week seems to have paid off, however, since the Crimson attack was much sharper than in its five earlier starts. The varsity should be well prepared for the contest tomorrow but will still be underdog.

First Half Lead

Ted Madden opened the scoring for the BLC after six and one half minutes, but Larry Coburn took a pass from Lewis to even the score 30 seconds later in an otherwise slow first period. Boston regained the offensive in the second stanza, but Lewis scored alone and then passed to Coburn and Shaw to give the Crimson a 4-1 lead at the half.

Baldwin and Rich scored for the visitors early in the second half. Lewis netted one unassisted just before Dalmer brought the BLC within one goal, 5 to 4, as the period ended.


The varsity defense collapsed in the final quarter and Boston scored three quick goals, two in the first minute, to take the lead. Lewis scored two more unassisted goals, but Collela and Rich countered to give the BLC its winning margin.

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