
'59 Baseball Needs Hitters

Lining Them Up

The hitting on the freshman baseball team, still suffering from a lack of outdoor practice, provides the main obstacle to a successful season, Coach Adolph Samborski said yesterday. Pitching and fielding have been adequate but more hitting support is needed to give the squad a chance of equalling last year's 8-3 record.

Harvey Friedman, who threw a 3-0 shut-out against M.I.T. Tuesday, leads the pitching staff. He allowed only four hits, while no M.I.T. batter reached third base. Though mainly a "junk pitcher" he has a fast ball that looks very quick after a series of slow curves. Opposed to the tradition of wild lefties, Friedman has no trouble getting the ball over the plate.

Byron Johnson, who pitched the second game against Northeastern, possesses a deceptive fast ball, but the righthander has erratic control. Tony Branon, a fast righty, and Al Slovin, who also plays in the outfield, are the next two hurlers.

On the receiving end of the battery, Dave Fairburn has a good grasp on the position. Though a slow runner, he has shown slugging power. With alert playing in the first game Fairburn started a double play pick-off. Larry McCully, who played the second game behind the plate, is pressing Fairburn. Sylvester Sterioff is the third catcher.

The infield is well established, though only showing polish around second base. George Harrington at second and Levon Kasarjian at short clicked against M.I.T. with two double plays. Harrington, at second, has fielded well and has a strong arm, but lacks power. At short, Kasarjian, acting-captain in the first game, fields well but rarely gets long hits. Kasarjian last year led the Newton High team and his fielding won him a place on the all-scholastic team.


Tom Hoff, an adequate fielder, at first and Maurice Balboni at third round out the infield. Balboni has shown some hitting, but needs more work at third. Twice in the first game he had trouble with ground balls hit down the line.

Keith Costa, at center, leads the out-field with speed and an ability to roam far after fly balls. A fair power hitter, he sparked the rally in the M.I.T. game. Lee McTurnan in left can also play in the infield. Slovin and Peter Rayel, two fair long ball hitters, make up the rest of the outfield squad.

The team this year has shown less power and hitting than last season's squad, although the pitching has improved considerably. The infield combination of Harrington and Kasarjian has proved outstanding on defense and the outfield is unsettled but adequate.

'59 Baseball Schedule

April 21 at Exeter

April 27 Brown

May 2 at New Hampshire

May 4 Boston University

May 5 Dartmouth

May 9 at Cushing Academy

May 12 at Yale

May 16 at Andover

May 18 Holy Cross

May 19 Tufts

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