
Tennis Team Faces M.I.T., Prepares for Brown Contest Here

Back from their most successful spring trip in many years, the varsity tennis team opens its quest for the Eastern Intercollegiate Tennis Championship tomorrow against Brown. Today, the Crimson will oppose MIT in what will be little more than a warm-up for the Brown match.

At the top of the ladder, Captain Brooks Harris will retain the position which he held for the majority of the Southern trip. Following Harris will be hard-hitting Dale Junta and Ham Gravem, both of whom performed very well in the South.

Filling the team out at fourth, fifth and sixth singles will be Connie Fischer, Maynard Canfield, and Steve Gottlieb. The bottom four players, who turned in excellent performances against Duke and North Carolina, will probably be Cal Place, Ben Heckscher, Karl Purnell, and Steve Kay.


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