
University Considering Russian Exchange Plan

U.S.S.R. Professors, Students May Visit Here in Program

University officials are presently considering an "informal" invitation from the University of Moscow to conduct a student and faculty exchange, it was learned last night.

Under the terms of the invitation, it is understood that the University of Moscow and Harvard would both send the other at least one professor and a number of students. The teacher would conduct a course, and the students would be registered a s regular foreign students.

Reliable sources, however, indicate that the invitation so far is only a very tentative one, and that the Russians have in no way definitely committed themselves to the exchange. It is further understood that neither Harvard nor the State Department is enthusiastic about the plan.

Certain men in the State Department reportedly are not so sure they want Russian students and teachers whom they have no way of choosing, studying and teaching here. They are principally concerned that the Russians might attempt to disseminate propaganda, rather than act as "scholars", or in some other way provoke some international incident.

The University is also concerned with the caliber and competence of the type of student or teacher it might receive, since it would have no way of choosing them. The exchange plan it is understood, is only on a discussion level at present, with no definite policy having yet been taken.


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