
Harris Castigates GOP 'Hypocrisy' In Pledge-Making

"George Humphrey, Secretary of the United States, is as bright as a silver dollar but just as hard." Seymour E. Harris '20, professor of Economics, declared last night before 150 who rallied to support Democratic presidential aspirant Adlai E. Stevenson.

Harris charged the administration with a lack of honesty in its dealings with the public. While Republicans promise one course of action and carry out another, he continued, Stevenson will say only what he believes he can deliver. It is hypocritical when, after promising help for schools, flood insurance and other items, the budget has no substantial provisions for following up the statements.

Harris stated that labor leaders have told him they prefer Stevenson to the other Democratic candidates because he will not continuously shift his course of action. One labor leader claimed he could sway one of Stevenson's opponents concerning an issue in ten minutes.

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. '38, professor of History, spoke on "Stevenson the Man," outlining the qualities that made him especially qualified for the Presidency. He could provide intelligent, creative, and imaginative leadership, Schlesinger declared.

A recorded message from Stevenson was played at the rally to outline his fundamental policies.
