
Experimental Plans Will Provide Rooms for Commuters in Apley

Limited Accommodations

A new experimental program will make available five resident suites in Apley Court for commuting students.

The plan, which will go into effect next fall, will provide a midway ground between residence and commuting, Charles P. Whitelock, Allston Burr Senior Tutor of Dudley House, said yesterday.

Whitelock said the rooms will be low cost, and therefore should help students who want to live at the University but cannot afford to reside in a House.

While there will be space for only ten men, about 50 applications have already been turned in. Whitelock said it has not been decided how the residents will be chosen, but that academic ability will be a factor. He explained, however, that the program may be expanded in the future if it proves successful.

Students who are accepted in Apley Court will remain members of Dudley for all administrative purposes. They will have no board contract, but will eat lunch regularly in Dudley and be able to eat breakfast and dinner in the Houses.


In line with the program at other Houses, a resident tutor will live in Apley with the Dudley residents. Robert E. Tracy, tutor in Comparative Literature, has been assigned to the post.

But, Whitelock emphasized, the new program is not designed to strengthen Dudley or to model it after the other Houses. Its purpose is to enable individuals to benefit by living in the Harvard community.
