
College Senior Wins Color TV, Thunderbird in Viceroy Contest

Names Filter-Tip

A Harvard undergraduate has won a green Ford Thunderbird sportscar and a 21-inch R.C.A. Deluxe color television set by taking one of the ten top prizes in the Viceroy filter-tip naming contest. The prizewinner, Dan H. Hinz, '56 of Lowell House, said that he would probably keep neither.

Hinz added that he was not allowed to reveal his entry name for a period of ninety days because the Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company, sponsors of the contest, may use that name in a future advertising campaign.

The sportscar will be presented to Hinz next Monday, although Hinz has not yet learned where the presentation will take place. He said that he would probably sell the Thunderbird to help cover his business school expenses next fall. Hinz hopes to get $3500 on the $4100 car.

Lowell House will get the color television set. As a college undergraduate, Hinz was required by the contest sponsor to donate the set to some institution, and he has chosen his own House.

In order to avoid student disagreement in the common room, Thomas F. Ellingson '57 of the House Committee said, the new set which shows black-and-white programs as well as ones in color, will be restricted to color shows. Ellingson believed that after the novelty of the new set passes, it would not be used for more than a few hours a week.


Elliott Perkins, Master of Lowell House, declared that he hoped the new set "would certainly not" affect freshman applications to Lowell House this spring. "If any freshman chose the house solely because of the new set," he added, "I would want to know him in order to make sure Lowell House did not get him."
