
Sauter-Finnegan Band To Appear at Union

The Sauter-Finnegan dance orchestra will play at a formal dance in the Union, Thomas Gannett '59, chairman of the Freshman Jubilee Committee, announced yesterday. The event will highlight the Jubilee Weekend which has been set for the last weekend in April.

Gannett said that Herbie Selkin's band will provide the music at the informal dance which will be held in the Union on Friday night, April 27. Before this dance there will be a banquet in the Union for all freshmen and their dates.

More entertainment will come on Saturday afternoon. The committee is considering a proposal to have a box lunch picnic on the banks of the Charles before the crew races with Boston University and M.I.T. In addition, the Freshman Glee Club will give a concert, but the time has not been set.


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