
House Champions Beat Elis In Majority of Winter Sports

The House teams had little trouble taking three out of four contests from their Yale opponents Saturday. The Crimson won in basketball, hockey, and squash, and lost only in swimming.

Dunster's hockey team was never seriously challenged as it outskated and out-played a rough Pierson College team, 4 to 0, in the New Haven Arena. Don McNeil scored two of the goals from his right wing position, and Howie Dodge, second string right wing, tallied another. Jack Donovan also scored once as replacement center.

Goalie Tom Howes made 32 saves in his shutout effort, behind defensemen Fred Nickerson and Fritz Kussin. Wing Peter Hoagland was valuable in setting up plays for the Funsters.

Winthrop's five defeated Branford in the I.A.B. in an easy 55-49 game. The Puritans held a strong lead from the first few minutes throughout the contest, scoring heavily in the first half by sinking outside shots over Branford's zone defense. When the Yale five switched to man-to-man protection in the second half, Winthrop's lead diminished, but Branford never came within five points led Winthrop in scoring.

Winthrop Swimmers Lose


The Winthrop swimmers performed well in New Haven, but lost, 28 to 20, to a strong Timothy Dwight team. Bob Eakin's racing in the 50 yard freestyle and 50 yard backstroke, which would have set a record in the House league here, only counted for close seconds against Yale. Other seconds were scored by Steve Singer in the breaststroke and Bob Hultslander in the 100. Barry Wasserman ranked third in the breaststroke. The only first place for the Puritans came when Rod Wolfe, Wasserman, Singer, and Eakin swam the 200 yard relay.

Silliman College, short on squash players, had to forfeit three out of five matches to Winthrop at Hemenway. In those played, Phil Herrera defeated Jerry Manges, 3 to 1, for the Puritans, and Doug Gardner lost a very close match, 3 to 2, to Ham Southworth of Yale, giving Winthrop a 4-1 victory.

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