
Weiss to Give Talk On Marxist Theory

Myra Tanner Weiss, spokesman for the American Socialist Workers Party, will deliver a Marxist interpretation of dialectical materialism tonight at 8 p.m. in Phillips Brooks House.

Mrs. Weiss was 1952 vice-Presidential candidate for the party and has been active in politics and labor relations on the West Coast.

The Socialist Workers Party was the Trotskyite branch of the Communist Party which broke away in the 1920's. The party advocates peaceful attainment of Marxist goals, unlike revolutionary Marxists.

Timothy F. Harding '56, president of the Social-Democratic Forum, said the organization is sponsoring the speech because it feels that too often the subject is taught here by "professors who bend over backwards to present the faults of Marxism and who undoubtedly give a one-sided presentation."


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