
Styles Bridges to Open First Political Assembly

Forum Will Debate Chinese Recognition

Senator Styles Bridges (Rep. N.H.) will give the keynote address March 1 at the first parliamentary assembly sponsored by the Harvard Political Forum, William C. Brady '57, president of the New Conservative Club, announced yesterday.

Bridges, ranking Republican in the Senate, will speak on "United States Foreign Policy in the Far East," and will present and support the following resolution: "Resolved; That the United States is justified in denying recognition to the Communist Government of China."

The resolution will then be formally debated by two undergraduates Vincent R. Larson '56, a member of the Debate Council, in Favor of recognition, and Brady opposed to it.

All nine members of the Political Forum, eight political clubs and the Debate Council, may send up to ten delegates apiece, Brady said. Each delegate may speak up to seven minutes, only four minutes of which are uninterrupted, he added. George M. Frederickson, past president of the Debate Council, will preside.

Delegation sit as Units


The club delegations will sit as a unit, but individual delegates may take whatever stand they desire, Brady added. Of the nine affiliates, only the New Conservative Club has taken a collective position on the resolution. It will oppose recognition. The other clubs will come unpledged.

Bridge's acceptance marks the second time a Republican congressman has consented to keynote an assembly meeting on the Red China issue, but the first speaker, Representative Albert P. Murano (Conn.) had to refuse a scheduled appearance in December at the last minutes.

The Senator from New Hampshire in chairman of the Republican Policy Committee.
