
Jayvee Six to Meet '59 Jumbos Tonight

The junior varsity hockey team plays its second game of the season tomorrow night against the Northeastern freshmen at 7 p.m. on the Watson Rink. Coach Jim Hutchinson has scheduled four more games after tomorrow's contest, including a return game with the Dedham Tigers, whom the jayvees beat in January, 8 to 4. Efforts are being made to secure games with the B-squads of the Princeton and Yale varsities.

The schedule: Feb. 9, Lincoln Mohawks; Feb. 14, Dedham Tigers; Feb. 21, Boston College freshmen; Feb. 23, Andover Flyers. The probable starting lineup tomorrow: Tom Crowley, l.w., Ted Hollander, c., John Wylde, r.w., Jan Meyer, l.d., Denny French, r.d., Charley Steedman, g.
