
Allen Will Talk On Civil Service Jobs

George V. Allen, Assistant Secretary of State, William W. Parsons, Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and Stephen K. Bailey, Director of the Graduate program at Princeton, will speak tonight on "Government" in the year's fifth Career Conference.

Paul M. Herzog '27, Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration, will moderate the discussion, which will be held at 8 p.m. tonight in the Dudley dining hall.

Allen, originally invited to the conference, graduated from Duke University and received his A.M. from Harvard in 1929. Allen has also been Ambassador to India and to Yugoslavia.

Parsons entered the government service in 1941 and served in several administrative positions in the Treasury. In 1950 he was appointed Administrative Assistant Secretary.

A Rhodes Scholarship winner in 1937, Bailey spent two years in Oxford. He served in the OSS during World War II.
