Philip J. McNiff, Lamont Librarian, yesterday announced plans for a possible expansion of the library's facilities to include a circulating classical music record collection.
The advantages of such a collection in Lamont would be two-fold, he said. It would allow the House libraries to specialize their collections, and it would provide a check-out record service for freshmen and commuters.
McNiff pointed out that the Paine Hall music library is non-circulating and that the House collections are open only to House members so that freshmen and commuters cannot take out records any where in the University.
A collection at least the size of a House library's and several phonograph machines would be desirable to start Lamont's new service, McNiff indicated. One of the rooms or a special area would be set aside for the new collection. The Woodbury Poetry Room would continue to house only poetry, ballad, and drama records.
No definite plans would be reached before later this spring after he has conferred more with Paul H. Buck, Director of the University Library, and other officials, McNiff stated.
McNiff said that he contemplated little opposition to a requisition for funds. He based this belief on his recent soundings of student opinion which "were so favorable that I am definitely convinced of the usefulness of a record collection."
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