
Senate Plans Local Hearing On Disarming

Subcommittee Wants Opinions of Faculty

Members of the Faculty will testify before Senator Hubert H. Humphrey's Subcommittee on Disarmament when a proposed hearing is held in Boston in mid-April.

Francis R. Valeo, staff secretary of the subcommittee, said yesterday that the chances for a local hearing "are very good." He explained, "We would seek technical views as to control and inspection of more advanced weapons as well as opinions from political scientists on disarmament from both Harvard and M.I.T. faculties."

Although it has not been decided who will testify, David F. Cavers, associate dean of the Faculty of Law, has been working with Valeo and a professor from M.I.T. to determine speakers.

"I will probably testify myself," Cavers said. He has also approached Louis B. Sohn, John Harvey Gregory Lecturer on World Organization, about appearing before the subcommittee.

Under the jurisdiction of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the Subcommittee will attempt to get expert opinion on disarmament across the nation. Hearings to date have been held only in Washington.


Charles B. Smith '58, president of the Harvard World Federalists, said that he would urge his membership to attend and "to cheer for any speaker who expressed world federalist views." He felt that Sohn, co-author of a new book on disarmament and United Nations Charter revision, "would express our views."

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