
Drawings of New Radcliffe Graduate Refectory Ready

Architects for the Radcliffe graduate quadrangle now under construction have completed final drawings for the refectory, President Wilbur K. Jordan has announced. The refectory is the second building of the quadrangle to be constructed and will contain dining facilities for the graduate school as well as housing for approximately 40 students.

Total costs for the construction, furnishing, and landscaping of the refectory have been estimated at $500,000. Raising the money for this building is the current objective of the Radcliffe Alumni Association.

Plans are also proceeding for a dormitory which would house 80 graduate students. The dormitory would have three entries, one of which would house students in the business administration program.

Business foundations and corporations have already pledged $105,000 of the $175,000 necessary for this entry. No money has been raised for the remaining two entries, which would provide living quarters for regular women graduate students.

Between 25 and 30 women would live in each entry.


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