
Relay Win Spurs Track Hopes for Triangle Victory

Victories over Yale are always encouraging, and the ability of the mile relay team to crush both Yale and Princeton in the last two meets is no exception. But victories in this one event do not insure a team victory in the all-important triangular meet Feb. 22 at New Haven.

Despite the team's excellent 84-24 win over Boston University in its only meet this season, there are still several question marks which could deprive the track team of an undefeated indoor season.

Greatest of these questions is depth in the weights, a sore spot since the beginning of the season. Captain Art Siler, tossing about 50 feet, will win many of the varsity's meets, but there is no other shotputter on the team. The same is true of Pete Harpel in the 35-pound weight.

The other pre-season problem, the high jump, has come up with two potential six-foot jumpers in Jack Murphy and Hank Moore. The pair should be able to place in most meets.

But the strongest event on the squad is the mile relay, composed of Robertson, Wills, Anderson, and Wharton. In addition to defeating Yale and Princeton in the K. of C. and B.A.A. meets, the team recorded the second fastest time in the East, beaten only by the crack Villanova quarter.
