
Varsity Sextet Defeats Williams, 10-3 With Seven Tallies in Final Period

Ephmen Lead for Twelve Minutes

If Pogo had seen the Harvard-Williams hockey game at Watson yesterday, in the third period he might have said, "the dam is bust."

Somehow a weak Williams team had held the varsity to a one-goal lead at the end of the second period and even had led the Crimson for twelve minutes of the game. Williams goalie Dick Marr saved 34 shots in the two periods, and untold more had missed the cage, hit the posts, and even hit Crimson players in front of the cage.

But the dam busted in the final stanza, as the varsity struck for seven goals to win the game, 10 to 3.

For the second straight game the opposition scored on the Crimson within the first minute of play. Dick Flood tallied at 0:44 after a face-off in the varsity zone, and it wasn't until 12:04 that center Bob Cleary tied the game on a rebound.

Crimson Territorial Edge


The score was 1 to 1 at the end of the period, despite the fact that the Crimson was passing well, easily forcing play into the offensive zone. The missing factor was accurate shooting; for, time after time, a Crimson wing swerved around the defense only to miss the cage with his shot.

The varsity went ahead for the first time early in the second period when goalie Marr kicked at Denny Little's shot and it went under his skate. But at 17:19, with Dan Ullyot in the penalty box, the Eph's Dick Gallun's screen shot tied the score again.

Twice during the remainder of the period Pete Summers went in alone on the Williams goal, once with Marr on the ice, and both times his shot went into the goalie's pads. It was typical of varsity play up to that point.

Cleary scored the second of his three goals at 18:30 of the second by backhanding a shot over Marr, who had gone to the ice to make a save. He tallied again at 3:24 of the final period to begin the deluge, and Joe Crehore backhanded the fifth Crimson goal between Marr and the left post just 15 seconds later.

In the seven-goal surge, Crehore scored twice, Ullyot twice, Mario Celi once, Summers once, and Cleary once. The Williams goalies made 49 saves in all, 3 of them by Dennis Doyle who played the final few minutes, while Captain Charlie Flynn had 9 and Jim Bailey 2

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