
Student Council to Vote On New Foods Survey

Study to Supersede Inter-House Group

The student Council will vote tonight upon a bill, prompted by student complaints about reading period meals, to establish a Council-appointed committee to investigate food in the University.

The bill, introduced by Paul G. Scher '57, represents the first Council attempt to complete the study of meals begun last spring but left incomplete by the independent Inter-House Foodes Committee, headed by David K. Sirota '56.

Scher said yesterday that his survey would report primarily on problems of University purchasing, budgeting, and menu-planning. He stated that he did not intend to stress student evaluation of existing meals, as the Inter-House survey attempted to do, although he said that dissatisfaction with reading and exam period meals was the immediate stimulus for his bill.

Responsible to Council

Under Scher's proposed system, the new foods committee would be directly responsible to the Council. In addition to examining food quality, preparation, and purchase, the three-man group would make bi-weekly progress reports, preparatory to a full-length report to the Council and student body.


The Sirota committee was not required to report to the Council upon its activities.

The proposed committee would also have permission to conduct polls of student opinion, besides the one, not yet decoded, taken last spring by the Inter-House Foods Committee. It would make any concrete recommendations through the Council.

Edward M. Abramson '57, Council president, stressed yesterday that his group had, in actuality, never officially investigater the food problem, since the Sirota group had asked the Council merely for permission to conduct a study independent of Council supervision.

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