
Wrestling Begins Intense Workouts After Exam Rest

Coach Bob Pickett began in earnest this week to work his varsity wrestling squad back into shape after an exam-period lapse of over two weeks. The varsity will resume action this Saturday in the IAB against Columbia, its first opponent since January 14.

The record now includes a 28-5 beating at the hands of the Big Red, administered in Ithaca Jan. 14, plus wins over M.I.T. on Jan. 7 and Amherst Dec. 3. The Cornell result was no surprise since the Big Red boasts the "toughest team in the Ivy League" and has proved it, as far as both the Crimson and Yale are concerned. The Eli went down 21 to 5. The only bright spot of the Crimson's defeat was a fall by heavyweight Pete Morrison, his second of the year.

Of the Crimson's two victories the first, against the Lord Jeffs, came not on match points but on a default by Amherst.


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