
University Grants $400 For Crimson Key Aid

Fund Allocation From Four Offices' Budgets Will Support Group's Service Activities

The University has departed from its traditional "hand-off" policy toward undergraduate organizitions by contributing financial support to the service operations of the Crimson Key Society this year, it was learned yesterday.

Amounting to $400, the University allocation is drawn from the operating budgets of the Offices of Admissions, the University Marshal, the Freshman Dean, and the Department of Athletics.

Vincent R. Larson '56, Key president, said yesterday that the money will be used to finance expenses incurred in aiding the programs of the four contributing offices.

"It was agreed by Dean Leighton and the heads of the four offices involved that the work of the Key is sufficiently essential to the work of their departments, even if University funds are required," Larson said. The Key lost its self-sufficient status last year when it decided not to sponsor the All-College Weekend, which had previously furnished its main source of funds.

No Council Aid


The grant followed an earlier unsuccessful attempt to gain Student Council support for the organization. The Key's plea was denied last fall, Larson said, on the grounds that the Council could not support another undergraduate organization and that the present Council treasury could not take on extra burdens.

According to Larson, the University decision was based on the precedent of financial aid given between 1948 and 1951, the dates of the Key's founding and of the first All-College dance, respectively. "We were not set up to be completely independent," and University officials in part "control our activities," he added.

Key Aids Administration

Through its Athletic, Schools, Freshmen Orientation, and University Guide committee, the Key assists the work of the University as a service group. Other activities of the Key--the Wellsley Bus Service and occasional dances--are expected to be self-supporting.

The University's contribution will be used to cover expenses incurred by Key members for telephone, stationery, meals, printing, and transportation.

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