
Vellucci Explains Plans to Prevent New Construction

City Councilman Alfred E. Vellucci warned tonight that "If Harvard doesn't put a new parking program into effect, I'm going to hold up all of its new construction," at a dinner of the Freshman Intramural Debate Council, in the Union.

Vellucci said that he would even stop the new 100 million dollar building program announced by President Pusey, if necessary, and also threatened to prevent any building on the Sargent College site which the University plans to purchase in the future.

He told the freshmen, "I feel it the duty of the College and the City of Cambridge to provide you with parking facilities." He voiced aproval of the new plan for parking development submitted to Harvard Monday by the Boston Parking Development Company.

Vellucci claimed that his "next move in Council is to ask the Fellows of Harvard to fire Dr. Pusey." He later added that he would consider himself a good candidate if Pusey was forced to retire.

Vellucci claimed that some of his "rash" steps taken in the past were made because "It was just a psychological move on my part to bring Cambridge to action (on the parking problem). I decided in my own little way that I had to take on City Hall--not only City Hall but Harvard and M.I.T."


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